Staff Discipline
Page Overview
This page goes over our staff infractions and how we issue our staff discipline to staff members who cannot follow and violate our staff guidelines.
Why are infractions issued out?
Infractions are issued when staff members violate our staff guidelines. An infraction could be a warning, strike, suspension, termination, or staff blacklist. Here are what each of them mean: Staff Warning: A staff warning is a logged warning in #infractions and is issued when it is your first time violating a minor staff guideline. Staff Strike: A staff strike is a logged infraction in #infractions and is issued when you've done something mildly severe or have done something minor repeatably. Suspension: A suspension is issued when you have multiple strikes (usually 3) and have violated another one of our staff guidelines. Suspensions are typically 1 week long. Demotion: A demotion is when you prove our staff team that you are not fit for your current role and you get bumped down a rank or a couple of ranks depending on the severity. Termination: A termination is when you violation multiple staff guidelines or do something major. This often happens when you represent our staff team poorly and aren't fit for staff. Staff Blacklist: A staff blacklist is issued alongside a termination at some cases. This means you cannot rejoin the staff team anymore.
Can I appeal my infractions?
If your infractions says it is able to be appealed you can open a management ticket and convince us whey your infraction should be appealed. You must provide good reasoning and proof in order for it to be appealed. If your infraction is not able to be appealed you cannot do anything about it.
Who can hand out infractions?
HR+ can issue infractions to staff members. They can infract staff members if they violate a staff guideline. You cannot infract someone of the same rank or a high rank of you.
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