Currently Moderating
Page Overview
This page will go over our expectations that we have in stores when you are Moderating and are on duty. All staff members regardless of their rank should be adhering to these policies at AL times.
Staff Uniforms & Liveries
When on duty you are required to be using all of our staff clothing and equipment. You are required to be using the staff uniform that can be found on the LAPD team. Since we currently do not have any available staff liveries you should be using the "Staff Livery" found on most LAPD vehicles.
All staff members are required to be professional when currently Moderating. You are representing the whole Los Angeles Roleplay staff team and should be on your BEST behavior when moderating. You should be utilizing SPaG (spelling punctuation and grammar) when moderating in our server
All staff members are required to be patrolling in their staff vehicle at all times when not responding to a mod call. If you are responding to a mod call your vehicle should be parked on the side of the road, not obstructing any traffic or should be in a local parking spot. You are not to be standing in your vehicle doing nothing waiting for calls.
Acceptable Proof
We do not allow witnesses or any other form of proof as proof. For RDM the killogs are NOT proof of it actually being RDM unless they are killing half the player base in the server. You are REQUIRED to be asking for clips every single time you do not witness a scene. Instruct them to join our Discord server to send their clips otherwise void the scene.
Last updated